:: Miscellaneous ::

A site for covering things I have no intention whatsoever of rehashing at Rerum Novarum
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:: Sunday, October 25, 2020 ::

Though I published most of these writing months ago, the Miscellaneous site has long served as a site where things are published which I have no intention of rehashing at Rerum Novarum or anywhere else in the future. Postings here in other words represent a kind of final statement on the issues in question.

The four postings linked to here will represent in perpetuity everything I intend to say on the subjects which those postings cover. Without further ado:

On Magisterial Interpretation (circa January 4, 2020)

On the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, Obedience, and the Requirements of Faithful Catholics (circa February 26, 2020)

On Clarifying and Retracting Some Prior Statements on the Magisterium (circa March 8, 2020)

More On Magisterial Interpretation (circa October 23, 2020)

All things to the contrary notwithstanding.

:: Shawn 6:30 PM [+] ::


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