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:: Sunday, November 07, 2021 ::

Five Threads on Traditonis Custodes

:: Shawn 6:00 AM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 ::

In recent years, there has been alarming degree of collaboration between the mainstream media giants, the social media giants, and leviathan government to try and squash certain persons and opinions that are critical of those set forth by these entities as the supposed truth. 

While the government has not gone so far as to create its own official state sponsored newspaper like the old Soviet Union did with Pravda and other totalitarian nations tend to do, they have in a certain sense sought something similar. The similarity is in the form of a collective of media sources that functions in like manner with various forms of censorship. 

With that in mind, the need to define a term to explain this is in order; ergo, that is what we are going to do here.

Government Media Complex: A government media establishment comprising of giants of mainstream media and social media working in collaboration with the government to influence public policy by censoring, shaming, canceling, etc. those who refuse to accept the official version of events.

Basically, I took the Oxford Dictionary's definition of military industrial complex and reworked it to embody the concept above. Nonetheless, we have unfortunately arrived at a point in time where such a term is needed to explain the present phenomenon so there you go.

:: Shawn 12:07 AM [+] ::


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