:: Miscellaneous ::

A site for covering things I have no intention whatsoever of rehashing at Rerum Novarum
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:: Monday, January 20, 2020 ::

Defining A New Term:

It has been a long time since I have had recourse to this website but a recent circumstance seems to warrant it. My intention here is to record for posterity a term I came up with on the fly the other day. To wit:

So Lev Parmas has a known history of lying and has multiple indictments for crimes involving alleged lying and yet somehow, he is telling the pure truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth where Trump is concerned? 
I did not realize the #NeverTrump crowd believed in ethical transubstantiation!

Basically the term ethical transubstantiation would take the theological concept of transubstantiation and apply it in a political context whereby a conversion in the substance occurs despite accidental appearances which remain the same.

The above example suffices for now to define the term for potential future use.

:: Shawn 11:58 AM [+] ::


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